
Pinnacle Prevention is proud to bring Fair Food Network’s national fruit and vegetable incentive Double Up Food Bucks program to Arizona.

The Double Up AZ program doubles the value of SNAP/EBT (formerly “food stamps”) benefits used at local food marketplaces across Arizona, helping people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables while supporting local farmers.

The Double Up program began at 5 farmers markets in Detroit in 2009 and has since grown to more than 250 sites across Michigan and has become a model for communities nationwide. Double Up also expanded to grocery stores in 2013 in one of the first pilots in the nation.

Double Up is the first statewide incentive program to be rolled out with a uniform design, central administration, and local implementation. It has proven to be successful in rural, urban, and suburban communities alike. 

Fair Food Network has translated the Double Up program into a toolkit and is now working with partners from Arizona to New York to Hawai’i bring this successful model to their communities. Learn more about Double Up programs nationwide.

Meet your Arizona farmers, businesses, market managers and more in our “Voices of Arizona Farmers Markets” series! Our first stop was at Roadrunner Park Farmers Market, where we spoke with Guy Gillespie from On the Vine Farms. Stop by the market every Saturday morning to meet farmers, connect with the community and double up on locally-grown fruits and vegetables.

Meet your Arizona farmers, businesses, market managers and more in our “Voices of Arizona Farmers Markets” series! We visited the Prescott Farmers Market, where we spoke with Sarah Hyde from Hassayampa Vineyard and Farm. Stop by the market every Saturday morning to meet farmers, connect with the community and double up on locally-grown fruits and vegetables.

We’re here to help.